If the United States is your home, become a citizen

I am very tired of trying to write fluffy webpages that Google will like. And I am also very tired of the disinterested way we are supposed to present ourselves as lawyers. Citizenship is very important for me. Becoming safe. Saying goodbye to USCIS and DHS and ICE. So important I'm not going to try to sell you anything. I'm just going to tell you what I think.

I became an immigration lawyer after watching a lady who had been a green card holder for 30 years get deported. She never became a citizen because she was ashamed of her English. Then she had a bad day, and her version of the story wasn't believed. Now she is exiled from her parents, husband, children and the country that had become her home.

As soon as you are eligible, check:

  • That you are safe to apply - that your green card is not at risk, and
  • That you understand and are happy with the nationality rules of your home country, and what happens after you become a US Citizen.

    And then just do it. Please.

    Now is a great time to apply. You can become a citizen before the election. You can vote for the next President.

    And if you think your English isn't good enough, don't put it off. If your kids speak English, set aside one evening a week where you all speak English... or try to. Learn the civics questions and answers first in your own language so you know them. And then practice them in English. Learning to recognize questions that you already have studied is a great way of getting a little confidence. As is learning how to answer the questions.

    Worst case - if you are safe - is that they say no and you try again. And there are fee waivers for those who really cannot afford the $680 fee - and for the rest of us, we can spread the cost now with a credit card.

    Please. Make 2016 your year.